Saturday, September 9, 2017
Chadron State College
9:00 am College Men (8k)
9:45 am College Women (5k)
10:15 am M.S. Boys and Girls (1.6 miles)
10:45 am H.S. Girls (5k)
11:15 am H.S. Boys (5k)
Awards to follow
Race Structure and Awards:
Unlimited entries for all races.
Middle School Girls and Boys (10 shirts each)
High School Girls (20 place t-shirts)
High School Boys (20 place t-shirts)
CSC is requiring that all buses and spectators park at the designated bus and spectator parking (no fee) – Softball parking lot, or Andrews overflow lot, just north of the softball field, Chapin street).
Each mile is marked on the map and course; do not add any other markings to the course.
Restrooms are available at the Chicoine Center, and porta toilets will be available.
Entry Fee:
$75.00 per school
Please use to register runners by Wednesday, September 6th, at 4:00pm.
Questions? Call or Email us!